The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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RAMbase(tm) Accounting MANUAL
VER.4.11 10-04-89
RAMbase(tm) Accounting is a POINT OF SALE, and BUSINESS RECORD
KEEPING System with true on line integration. RAMbase(tm)
handles inventory, complete record keeping, and over 100 reports
designed to provide a small business with the RECORDS THAT YOU NEED.
RBAINST EXE RBA Installation Program. Type RBAINST (Enter)
to run.
RBA EXE RAMbase Acounting Program. Type RBA (Enter)
to run.
RBAMAN TXT Condensed Manual for RAMbase Accounting.
RBAMAN EXE Program to display RBAMAN.TXT. Type RBAMAN
(Enter) to run.
README EXE Program to display "README" Type README
READ ME Manual, corrections & additions.
STATEMENT TEM Template for BILLING statement (May be modified).
INVOICE TEM Template for INVOICES (May be modified).
PAYABLE TEM Template for PAYABLES (May be modified).
MLABELS TEM Template for MAILING LABELS (May be modified).
RLABELS TEM Template for RETURN labels (May be modified).
ROLODEX TEM Template ROLODEX CARDS (May be modified).
P-ORDER TEM Template PURCHASE ORDER (May be modified).
RAMbase Accounting
Requires IBM(tm) PC/XT/AT or true compatible with, at least, 256k and one
floppy drive. Color is supported but not required.
RBA is designed to operate with a Dot Matrix printer. The only special
feature is compressed mode. RBA defaults to compressed mode.
RBA has seven reports that are template driven. (See User's Manual
Section 16).
Will start RBAinstall program.
This program allows you to select the
following functions during the install
procedure. (See User's Manual Section 3).
Press the highlighted letter.
SECURITY Security access code. MGR/CLERK, Clerk
restricts certain information. Program
defaults to Manager with no security code.
COMPRESSED Compressed print codes. Most of you will
use default setting. Refer to your Printer
ARCHIVE Archive drive and path, optional to select
where you want to send your data for storage.
INTEREST Interest and sales tax. Set interest to be
charged for late payments. Sets sales taxes.
USER NAME User name, for printing business labels.
Put in your company name, address, etc.
MONITOR Monitor. Color/Mono.
ERROR BEEPER Error Beeper. On/Off
KEYBOARD BEEPER Keyboard Beeper. On/Off.
DISK ARCHIVE Disk Archive. On/Off. Creates data files on
disk you are working on. (Defaults to on).
LOW INVENTORY Low inventory stock. On/Off. Beeps if stock
goes below set level because of sale.
ZERO BALANCE Zero balance. Off/On. Customer monthly bill
statement can be sent even if balance is zero.
Q Key Command To quit and save all changes.
ESC ESCape Quit installation program without saving any
changes (Retain original settings).
RBAMAN EXE Type RBAMAN (Enter) will display RBA Manual text
to screen to be printed or scrolled through.
RBA is a command driven program.
Type RBA (Enter) Will load RBA.EXE into the computer memory.
The program starts up where you last left off.
(See section 4.1 of User,s manual). All
settings are remembered.
ESCape Key This key enables you to abandon what you are
doing (retain original settings), and quit to
F1 Function Key Help is always on line 25 of main screens.
Press F1 for context sensitive help to pop-
up in a window.
F2 Function Key On main screens, F2 will toggle between
payables/receivables. Inventory is accessible
in both modes. All cursor positions are
remembered when switching modes (See Section
4.3 of User's Manual).
F2 Function Key Edit on other screens.
F3 Function Key On main screens, press F3 for partial list of
reports. (See Section 4.4 of User's Manual).
F3 Function Key On other screens, press F3 to save and quit,
and for deposits in the check register. (See
Section 4.4 and 4.6 of User's Manual).
F4 Function Key On main screens, press F4 (Customer) Group List,
or (Payables) disbursement List.
In receivables (invoice) mode, customers are
classified by a group name and number from
0 to 99. Group = classification of customers
or segregation. (See Section 4.5 of User's
Press F4 in suppliers (payables) mode. Creditors
are grouped by a disbursement name and number,
from 0 to 99. (See Section 4.5 of User's Manual).
F4 Function Key F4 is debit on check register screen.
F5 Function Key Press F5 for check register screen.
F5=void on check register screen.
You can make deposits, debits, payments,
void a check and/or stop payment. The program
automatically dates your checks, balances the
checking account, credits the proper (creditor)
supplier account when payments are made. RBA
computes month to date and year to date totals
for payments made to suppliers. (See Section 4.6
and 12 of User's Manual). It is possible to print
the entire check register. Press F6.
F6 Function Key Prints invoices in receivables mode.
Prints statements in payables mode. (See Section
4.7 of User's Manual).
F7 Function Key Not Used.
F8 Function Key Not Used.
F9 Function Key RAMlink(tm) toggles On/Off. RAMlink connects
the inventory item with the invoice in receiv-
ables mode. RAMlink connects the inventory
item with the payable statement in payable mode.
RAMlink allows you to search in the inventory
while invoicing or writing a payable. (See
Section l2 of User's Manual).
F10 Function Key Will request security code. This will toggle
from MGR mode to CLERK mode. When in Clerk
mode, sensitive customer/supplier information
is hidden. (See Section 4.11 of User's Manual).
Default is MGR mode if no security password is
set in install section. (See Section 3.2b of
User's Manual).
GOTO Arrows Go to next or to previous window on the screen.
(See Section 4.12 of User's Manual).
GOTO Arrows Use arrows to move to INVENTORY.
I Key Press the I key to insert new inventory items.
Fill in as prompted. The ID-Code can be
alphanumeric (400 ABC & 400 CCC). It is possible
to group the 400s, etc.Press F3 to save and quit.
The new item will be filed alphanumerically by
the ID-Code. (Section 5.1.10 of User's Manual).
D Key Press D Key to delete high-lighted/status item.
C Key Press C to correct stock.
E Key Press the E Key to edit the inventory item that
is high-lighted/status line.
E & D Key Neither will operate if (Special Order) is
Q Key Press Q to search for an inventory item by
ID-Code (You assign the ID-Code when inserting
items in inventory).
The last ID-Code that you searched for
appears on the line. Type the ID-Code or use the
last ID-Code if that is what you want. Press
ENTER. The program will instantly find that
item or give ID-Code not found message. (See
Section 5.1.3 of User's Manual).
S Key Press S Key to search the inventory file for
an ASCII string. The last string that you searched
for appears on the line. Type in the new
string, Press ENTER. The program will instantly
find that string or MESSAGE NOT FOUND will appear.
If there is more than one occurance of the
string, use the Down or Up arrows to find the
next or previous string. PRESS ESCape when
finished searching. (See Section 5.1.9 of
User's Manual).
^Y (Ctrl-Y) Will clear line.
^R (Ctrl-R) Will restore line.
^D (Ctrl-D) To set the system date.
^P (Ctrl-P) Print to (Port), to select printer port. Disk,
Tab Key When inserting or editing data, or filling out
the header information, the TAB key will back
up to the previous input field and all input
will be saved.
Enter Key When inserting or editing data, or filling out
the Header information, press the ENTER key to
move to the next input field and all input will
be saved.
(Up Arrow) Same as the TAB key.
(Down Arrow) Same as the ENTER key.
(Left Arrow) Move the cursor one character to the left.
(Right Arrow) Move the cursor one character to the right.
Home Key Move the cursor to the first position of the
text without disturbing the text.
End Key Move the cursor to the last position of the
text without disturbing the text.
Del Key Delete the character at the cursor position.
Ins Key Toggles insert mode (On/Off). When off, your
input will write over the character at the
cursor position. When ON, your input will be
inserted at the cursor position. Bottom high-
lighted line shows the status of this key.
Num Lock Toggle the NUM LOCK (On/Off).The bottom high-
lighted line shows the status of this key.
Caps Lock Toggle the CAPS LOCK (On/Off).The bottom high-
lighted line shows the status of this key.
Up Arrow-PgUp-Home Keys
Allows you to scroll through the files a
line or page at a time. The HOME Key jumps
to the first item.
Down Arrow-PgDn-End Keys
Allows you to scroll down the files a line
or page at a time. The END Key jumps to the
last item.
NOTE:.........You should pay attention to the top and bottom lines of
the screens; they show you at all times which command
keys are available, and what each will do.
NOTE..........The Key commands used in the inventory section work in the
customer file. (Except C Key).
F2 Key Press F2 to toggle to invoice - customers.
GoTo Arrows Use arrows to move to customers.
F1 Key HELP.
I Key Press I Key to insert a customer. (See Section
5.2.11 of User's Manual). Press F3 to save and
quit. The new customer will be filed alphabet-
ically by name (You must enter a name on the
first line). Enter a group number for your
customer.(See Section 4.5 of User's Manual).
E Key Press the E Key to edit the customer account
that is on the high-lighted/status line.
(See Section 5.2.10 of User's Manual).
D Key Press D Key to delete the customer on the
high-lighted/status line. (MGR mode only).
(See Section 5.1.12 of User's Manual).
Q Key Press the Q Key to search for a customer by
account number. (See Section 5.2.8 of User's
S Key Press the S Key to search the customer list
for an ASCII string. (See Section 5.29 of
User's Manual). Press ESCAPE when you are
finished searching.
P Key Press the P Key to make a collection from a
customer. (See Section 5.27 of User's Manual).
Press ENTER to use the customer on the
high-lighted/status line. Otherwise you must
enter the customer account number; then
press ENTER. The customer file will be dis-
played in the window. (MGR mode). Now type
the amount of this payment; then press
ENTER. The balance due will be adjusted.
If the customer paid by check, type in the
check number (then press ENTER). Press F3 to
save and quit.
NOTE.........."NON-ACTIVE ACCOUNT" The High-lighted/status line is
for the occasional customer. If you sell something to
someone who is not in your customer list, cash customer.
E Key, and D Key do not work when "NON-ACTIVE ACCOUNT
is the high-lighted status line.
NOTE..........The Key commands used in the inventory section work in the
SUPPLIER file. (Except C Key).
F2 Key Press F2 to toggle to PAYABLE-SUPPLIERS.
GoTo Arrows Use arrows to move to SUPPLIERS.
F1 Key HELP.
I Key Press I Key to insert a supplier. (See Section
5.3.11 of User's Manual.) Press F3 to save and
quit. New supplier will be filed alphabet-
ically by name (You must enter a name on first
line). Enter a disbursement number for your
supplier. (See Section 4.5 of User's Manual).
E Key Press E Key to edit a supplier on the high-
lighted/ status line. (See Section 5.3.10 of
User's Manual).
D Key Press the D Key to delete the supplier on the
highlighted/status line. (See Section 5.3.12
of User's Manual). (MGR mode).
Q Key Press the Q Key to search for a supplier by
account number. (See Section 5.2.8 of User's
S Key Press the S Key to search the supplier list
for an ASCII string. (See Section 5.29 of
User's Manual). Press ESCape when you have
finished searching.
P Key Press the P Key to make a payment to a sup-
plier. (See Section 5.27 of User's Manual).
Just press ENTER to use the supplier on the
highlighted/status line. Otherwise you must
enter the supplier account number; then
press ENTER. The supplier file will be dis-
played in the window. (MGR mode). Now
type in the amount of this payment; then
press ENTER. The balance due will be adjusted.
Type in or verify the check number, Then Press
F3 to save and quit.
NOTE..........When "NON-ACTIVE ACCOUNT" is the high-lighted/status line;
the E key and the D key do not work.
NOTE..........You are in edit mode any time the cursor is on screen!
ESC - ESCape The ESCape key allows you to abort the present
data entry and returns to the command mode.
The original state will be retained.
F1 - Help: Pops up menu of editor commands.
F2 - Edit: Move to first field of the EDIT screen (where
F3 - Save & Quit: SAVE and QUIT all the data on the edit screen
(where applicable).
TAB When inserting, editing or filling out the
header information, the TAB key will back up
to the previous input field and all input will
be saved.
ENTER When inserting, editing or filling out the
header information, the ENTER key moves to the
next input field and all inputs will be saved.
┴ (Up Arrow) Same as the TAB key.
┬ (Down Arrow) Same as the ENTER key.
─ (Left Arrow) Move the cursor one character to the left.
├ (Right Arrow) Move the cursor one character to the right.
Home Move the cursor to the first position of the
text without disturbing the text.
End Move the cursor to the last position of the
text without disturbing the text.
DEL Delete the character at the cursor position.
^Y (Ctrl-Y) Delete all characters in the input text. The
deleted text is saved and can be restored with
^R (Ctrl-R).
^R (Ctrl-R) Restore all characters in the input text.
^T (Ctrl-T) Delete all characters from the cursor position
to the end of the input text.
BACKSPACE Delete the character to the immediate left of
the cursor and move the cursor one character
to the left.
INS Toggles INSERT mode (On/Off). When OFF, your
input will write over the character at the
cursor position. When ON, your input will be
inserted at the cursor position. The bottom
line shows the status of this key.
NUM LOCK Toggle the NUM Lock (On/Off). The bottom
line shows the status of this key.
CAPS LOCK Toggle the CAPS LOCK (On/Off). The bottom
line shows the status of this key.
WRITING AN INVOICE................
F2 Press F2 to toggle to invoice/customers.
(See Section 6.2 of User's Manual).
GoTo Arrows Use the arrows to move to customers. Put the
customer you wish to bill on the high-lighted/
status line or use the "non-active account".
GoTo Arrows Use the arrows to move to INVOICE.
Press F9 to turn off RAM LINK. (See Section
3.2b of User's Manual).
Press (N Key) for new invoice.
Press (Y Key) to clear old invoice as prompted.
Press (I Key). Enter number as prompted.
NOTE..........If you know the ID code of the inventory item, type it in and
RBA will retrieve the item from the inventory automatically.
(See Section 6.2.2 of User's Manual).
Press (ENTER Key) enter description.
Press (ENTER Key) enter quantity.
NOTE..........Select zero (0) quantity if you want to show "No Charge"
for an item. No totals will be affected. You may use zero
quantity to make a comment line.
Press (ENTER Key). Press R,W,C,L or D.
R will add sales tax unless you press N when
prompted. W,C,L or D will not add sales tax
unless you press Y as prompted. The price will
be derived from the cost field in the inventory
record or you can type in your own price.
Press (ENTER Key).
Press (ENTER Key). Tax will be added if
Repeat above steps for as many items as
you want on the invoice.
Press F6 to print invoice and record on disk.
Select method of payment as prompted.
NOTE..........If you are billing a non-active account (Charge and credit
cannot be selected) enter the amount received and make
change as prompted. If check or charge card press (ENTER
Key). (See Section 6.l & 6.1.2 of User's Manual).
Press (ENTER Key). Verify invoice number.
Press (ENTER Key). Invoice will print or
store as directed.
IMPORTANT.......Print only one invoice. If another invoice
is needed press F3 for reports then press K
for old invoice. Enter invoice number,
press enter KEY.
WRITING A PAYABLE................
To enter a payable.
F2 Press F2 to toggle to PAYABLE/SUPPLIERS.
GoTo Arrows Use arrows to move to SUPPLIERS. Put supplier
you wish to pay on highlighted/status line.
Use GOTO Arrows to move to payable.
Press (N Key) for new payable.
Press (Y Key) to clear old payable from
screen as prompted.
Press (I Key). Enter number as prompted.
NOTE..........If you know the ID Code, enter it, and RBA will retrieve
the item from the inventory. (See Section 7.1 of User's
Press (ENTER Key). Enter description.
Press (ENTER Key). Enter quantity when prompted.
NOTE..........Select zero (0) quantity if you want to show "No Charge"
for an item. No totals will be affected. You may use zero
quantity to make a comment line.
Press (ENTER Key). Press R,W,C,L or D.
Press (ENTER Key). R will add tax automat-
ically if you just press enter. W,C,L or D
will not unless you press Y when prompted.
Press (ENTER Key). The price will be derived
from the field in the inventory record or
you can type in your own price.
Press (ENTER Key).
Press (ENTER Key).
F6 Press F6 to print payable & record on disk.
Press A for charge.
Press B for refund.
Enter Sale Code (optional) when prompted.
Press (ENTER Key). Modify payable number
if required.
NOTE..........Observe top line of the screen for where you are directing
your output. Output LPT1,LPT2,LPT3,LPT4 or DISK.
Press (ENTER Key). Accounts will be charged/
credited. Payable will be printed or stored
on disk for printing.
IMPORTANT.....(Print only one copy). If another payable copy
is needed press F3 for reports. Then press
(K). Enter payable number when prompted.
Press (ENTER Key).
NOTE..........Print daily payables/receivables each day for your file.
F2 Press F2 to toggle INVOICE/CUSTOMERS.
F3 Press F3 for a partial list of reports.
Press F2 to toggle PAYABLES/SUPPLIERS.
Press F3 for additional reports.
Select ABC.......R to select a report.
You may direct your report to a printer or
See top line of RBA main screen. (See
Section 4.4, Section l8 and Appendix A
of User's Manual).
Grouping=classification or segration in
receivables (INVOICE) mode.
F4 Press F4 to view, enter, or edit your
group listing. Customers are classified
by group name and number from 0 to 99.
The group numbers are assigned by you
when adding a customer to the customer
list. You can request a report of all
customers for a given group number. For
example; income from John's route, John's
customers, banks, rental houses, sale of
capital equipment, mailing lists, ect.
Press F6 to print listing.
In payables mode press, F4 to view, enter
or edit your disbursement listings. Suppliers
(Creditors) are grouped by disbursement mame
and number 0-99.Disbursements are broken into
Expenses, Liabilities, and Capital.
CHECKBOOK REGISTER...................
F5 Press F5 to display the check register.
(See Section l2 of User's Manual).
You can scroll thru the last 200 entries.
Press F6 to print out the complete check
NOTE:..........Note the bottom lines of the screen; showing you at all
times which command keys are available, as well as
It is possible to scroll through the last hundred checks,
make deposits, debits, payments, void a check or stop pay-
ment on a check.
Checks are recorded when payments are made to a
supplier; printing payable records checks.
F6 Press F6 in receivables mode to print invoices.
Printing an invoice records the data
throughout RBA.
F6 Press F6 in payable mode to print payables.
You must have a supplier on high-lighted/status
line to print a payable. The payment is
recorded to the supplier on the high-lighted/
status line. Printing a payable records the
data throughout RBA.
REPORTS TEM..............
Seven RBA reports are template driven.
Template files have the extension,TEM.
The following list shows which template
files drive which reports:
INVOICE.TEM Print invoice
PAYABLE.TEM Print payable
STATEMENT.TEM Statement of acct.
ROLO-DEX.TEM Rolo-dex Cards
RLABELS.TEM Return labels
MLABELS.TE3M Mailing labels
LETTER.TEM Form Letter
Use your own word processor to
customize a template.
Note:..........We recommend Sidekick for this purpose, because it is
memory resident.
It is possible to customize a report template
to fit specific, company forms.
An asterisk in the first column terminates
the template.
USING ICONS If you choose to customize a report, to fit
specific company forms, use your own word
processor. Place icons (<Name l>, <Street 2>,
etc.) on the page at the location you
want that varrabile placed. Any text
maybe imbedded in the template.
<OName1>,<OStreet>, <OCity>, <OPhone> COME
ICONS The following is a list of reserved icons:
<OName1> Owner's name line one.
<OName2> Owner's name line two.
<OStreet> Owner's address line one.
<OCity> Owner's address line two.
<OPhone> Owner's phone number.
<Name1> The first line of the name field.
<Name2> The second line of the name field.
<Street1> The first line of the addr1 field.
<City1> The second line of the addr1 field.
<Phone1> Phone number 1.
<Street2> The first line of the addr2 field.
<City2> The second line of the addr2 field.
<Phone2> Phone number 2.
<Date> Today's date.
<Inv#> Invoice number.
<Pay#> Payable number.
<Act#> The customer/creditor account number.
<Terms> Method of payment.
<SA> Sales Id-code.
<Qty> Quantity.
<Desc> Id-code and description of inventory
$ <UPrice> Unit price.
<TPrice> Total price.
\ Step to next invoice/payable item.
/ Totals only after printing.
Note: /and\must be last character
of line.
<TotalR> Retail total.
<TotalT> Sales tax.
<TotalW> Wholesale total.
<TotalC> Cash total.
<TotalL> Labor total.
<TotalD> Refundable deposits.
<TotalG> Grand total.
<Pdate> Last payment date.
<Pamt> Last payment amount.
<Inv/Credit> Prints "invoice due" or
"account credit"
<Bal/Credit> Prints "balance due" or
"account credit"
<Total> Total amount of statement.
<Bal> Balance due.
<Late30> 30 days late.
<Int30> Late fees.
<Late60> 60 days late.
<Int60> Late fees.
<Late90> 90 days late.
<Int90> Late fees.
* End of template(must be the first
character of the line).
RBA exports files in print image. ASCII
standard, carriage return/line feed de-
limited files.
To export a file, or simply save a print
file for later printing, use the disk file
output option provided by RBA.
The manager can also archive invoices and
payables to disk by setting the archive
function in the install procedure, to ON.
(Default is on).
LOTUS 1-2-3 Lotus-1-2-3 can accept RBA format.
WORDSTAR Wordstar can accept RBA format.
DBASE III Dbase III can accept RBA format.
WORD PERFECT Word Perfect can accept RBA format.
ASCII Any program that accepts ASCII,
CRLF delimited files can accept
the RBA export format.
REPORTS (Definitions)
AGING REPORT Shows amounts overdue for each customer, as
well as, their credit information.
RESET OPTION for year end.
ACCOUNT SUMMARY Shows supplier/credit information.
month-to-date, year-to-date, and amount owed.
Breaks it into expenses, liabilities,
assets, and total spent. You can list
Supplier month-to-date, year-to-date and
amount owed, by disbursement number.
RESET OPTION for year end.
You can list customers by group number, and
you can list suppliers by disbursement
RETURN LABELS Prints multiple copies of business labels
for your company.
Company name and address are taken
from the original installation information,
which was provided when you installed RBA.
Selecting the "non-active account" line will
print labels for your company.
Also allows for multiple copies of a single
label for any customer or supplier.
NOTE:..........Place the status line on the CUSTOMER or SUPPLIER for
printing multiple labels of CUSTOMER or SUPPLIER.
If your company has more than one address,
enter your own company as a customer or
supplier, then you will be able to print
lables using either address.
MAILING LABELS Print mailing labels from the entire
customer or supplier list or by group or
disbursement number.
ROLO-DEX CARDS Print Rolo-dex cards from the Customer or
Supplier list.
FORM LETTER Use word processor to compose your form
Use any of the icons described in"custom-
izing a template" and (Section l6.0. of the
User's Manual).
The main body of the letter may be included
as part of the LETTER.TEM file.
It is also possible to use pre-printed form
letters and fill in the blanks.
INVENTORY LIST Lists entire inventory with one item per line
and a blank column for inventory count.
REORDER LIST Lists all the items that require restocking.
Reorder level may be modified at any time
by editing an inventory item, and changing
the reorder level.
SALES REPORT Displays a sales history of each item in
PRICING REPORT DISPLAYS totals for cost, wholesale, and retail
values of stock.
OLD INVOICE/OLD PAYABLE Find and print an archived (old) invoice/
payable by number.
PROFIT/LOSS Totals all receivables and expenditures
to produce a bottom-line report showing
month-to-date and year-to-date
profit/loss statement.
CLOSING BILL To be used for sending closing bills to
MONTHLY BILLS Prints monthly billing statements to
OLD BILL Find and print an archived billing
statements listed by customer account number.
DAILY RECEIPTS Lists all receivables for one day.
Press P in REPORTS mode
Press ENTER for today or enter the date
Print this report once a day.
POINT SALE NOTE The cash drawer should be balanced with
the daily receipts at the end of each
business day.
QUARTERLY RECEIPTS Lists all receivables for one year, as well
as, in quarters.
Reports mode.
Press ENTER for current year, or enter
year (yy).
Press ENTER for current quarter, or enter
quarter (Q).
YEARLY RECEIPTS List all receivables for a calendar month/
Reports mode.
Press ENTER for current year, or enter year